This week we finished a project that began with removing 20 mature, but declining Eastern Red Cedar trees along a driveway. Due to their age and decline two of the trees fell across 2 cars during a recent storm event. Once the trees were all safely remove, the space was returned to a large open bed space, and AME had a blank pallet to work with. The design intent was to introduce large evergreen screening material, create a tier of specimen deciduous trees in combination with evergreen shrub varieties, groundcover and flowering perennials. The large, 20ft tall evergreens create privacy, while the shrubs and perennials add color and texture to the yard.
The AME Way: Fundamental #12
MAKE QUALITY PERSONAL. Demonstrate a passion for excellence and take pride in the quality of everything you touch and everything you do. Good is not good enough. Always ask yourself, “Is this my best work?”